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Identity construction and projection relating to race, sexuality and gender were explored further in surveys and qualitative Experiences on “Race”, Sexuality and Gender Research: The Case of Madureira – Rio de Janeiro Thus discrepancies between the interpretation of identity as mediated by the research categories and those offered by participants during the surveying process become meaningful and observable. By sending surveyors into the field with a sampling plan accounting for gender, sexuality and race, the research team was able to explore how the identities of young adults are conveyed and interpreted in social venues. Furthermore, in the field survey and recruitment process student ethnographers documented how potential participants project identity in terms of race, sexuality and gender. Allowing them to explore how their own identities and activities in the field affected their understanding and interpretation of the identities of those they observed and documented (along with those who were absent) in the field. In the notes‐on‐notes process during the participant observation, student ethnographers were asked to look at their own perceptions as conveyed in field notes. SFSU students close in age to the subjects of the study were employed to explore affinities between observer and participant. The participant observation and subsequent survey implementation, along with qualitative field interview recruitment, was conducted at venues and special events frequented by 18‐ to 24‐year‐olds in the San Francisco Bay Area. This paper discusses research developed in San Francisco entitled “Relations among race, sexuality and gender in different local and national contexts”, internationally coordinated by CLAM/USP and CEBRAP and locally coordinated by faculty, staff, and students at SFSU. Participants were chosen taking in account their self‐classifications in terms of sex, color/race and sexual Experiences on “Race”, Sexuality and Gender Research: The Case of San Francisco In addition to the participant observation, 12 in‐depth interviews and 25 surveys were done with young people who patronize these venues. This empathy/identification was usually mediated by the same categories approached in the research. The empathy/identification these youths had with the researcher affected the success of insertion by the researchers in the field. The fieldwork undertaken from February to May, 2006 in social venues frequented either by gays/lesbians/bisexuals or straight people focused on gender, color/race, sexual orientation and social class on erotic‐affective relations established by 18 to 24 years old youths.

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This paper discusses research entitled “Relations among “race”, sexuality and gender in different local and national contexts”, internationally coordinated by CLAM/USP and CEBRAP and locally coordinated by IOC/Fiocruz. Fieldwork Experiences on “Race”, Sexuality and Gender Research: The Case of Lapa – Rio de Janeiro

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